Friday, November 29, 2013

Not quite plumbing

Of course those pipes on the truck weren't for plumbing! They were they piers, everyone knows that ;) Plumbing begins Monday.

One thing that has always surprised me on the plans was the size and the amount of 'voids'. I understand the need for voids but there just seems a ridiculous amount of them and a lot of them are not small. Well we have just been told that plumbing want yet another one. It is in the store room which is good, but I cant help thinking it's over the top. I can only presume they are making it very easy (read-cheaper) for themselves by putting in this many.

Here are a couple of the piers

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aaron,
    Are these screw piles? We are likely to build with CG, and we need a stack of them too.
